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Tantric Masseuses

Tantric Massage Therapist, 26 years old, experienced masseuse. Elegant, feminine and friendly. Extremely adventurous. Well, she has a slim body and feminine curves. Marta is a sensual girl for gentlemen of different ages, character and taste. So, you will be captivated by her playful massage techniques. Meanwhile, her touches will open up a world of pleasure and nirvana for you. Pamper yourself in a tender hands of Russian masseuse.
Wide range of services, like:
Erotic body to body massage,
Full Body Massage for Men, Moscow, Russia
Lingam ,Yoni massage, prostate,
Topless masseuse
Check prices and options for more than 1 masseuse.
Languages :English, Russian
Availability: From 08:00 -21:00 
Besides, we offer tantra massage Moscow. Our massage therapists working in different days. In brief, all of them are beautiful and skilled in either traditional body massage. They are smart, intelligent and witty and have a great sense of humor to keep the guest entertained all the time. All of our masseuse live in Moscow. Well, they  are individual and each of them uses different techniques during their massage session. Finally, they speak english. We are happy to become your tantra quide to the world of Stunning Massage in Moscow.


Russian girl, 27 years old. skilled masseuse, specialist in body-to-body and Thai massage. Manuela combines tenderness and character at the same time. And her massage with a sensual touch will lift your spirits to the highest level. Athletic and elegant body, combining tenderness and desire. Serves men, women and couples.
Manuela is a master of Lomi-Lomi erotic massage with a healing touch.
Languages: English, Russian.Availability: From 08:00 to 21:00

The best masseuses in the city

Well, Tantric Masseuse, 23 years old. Expert body to body massage. A slender and elegant body that combines femininity and eroticism. Serves men and couples.

Arisa is a specialist in erotic body massage with therapeutic direction. She is a pleasant girl and full of vitality. In communication Arisa is friendly. Her massage will take you to a new level of peace of mind. You feel happy and relaxed.

Languages: English and Russian

Availability: From 08:00 to 21:00

The musky oil fragrance relax the tired body and mind.

Masseuses, Tantric masseuse, erotic massage Moscow, hotel massage, room massage, Massage centre in Moscow, Nuru massage, Massage for Men, prostate treatment.
Finally, sexy masseuse Eva loves what she does. So, she is always glad to new guests and provides quality massage services. The beauty is that fatigue and depression go away 5 minutes after the start of the session. Her services are always professional and full of love. Finally, Eva 
has been working in tantra massage in Moscow for more than a year. Also, she is a professional and experienced in the art of seduction, as well as in all types of massage Eva performs.
Languages: English and Russian
Availability: from 08:00 to 21:00
Strong, kind, gentle hands with healthy energy will help relieve the effects of stress. Body to body massage, Tantric healing, sensual massage for couples.
“Hello All. We are a team of sensual masseuses and Happy to present you Amazing Tantra massage Session in Moscow. You will love this sensual massage in your hotel room, also you can visit massage parlor in Moscow. City center. Waiting for your call.”

Feel comfortable to spend your time to relax your soul and body. Soft hands of Massage masters in Moscow make you feel like home. Achieve your benefits like positive mood. 

✔increased performance of the body;
✔ improvement of the nervous system;
✔ elimination of muscle pain;
✔ weapon against insomnia, frequent migraines and depression;
✔ strengthening immunity;
✔ Improving the lymphatic system and cleansing the body of toxins.

In fact, many people think that massage is just a procedure of joy and nothing more. However, the health benefits of massage cannot be overestimated. Osho speaks: "When the body is cleared of repressions, the feelings are freed from dullness, the mind is freed from obsessive thinking, you have a vision free from all illusions - this is the vision of Tantra" but it's not just a massage!
Manuela Longo